Devotional for Wednesday, October 12, 2016
“His Loyal Love”

by Dona Hake
It is such a blessing to see the life of a loyal person. How sweet it is to have a loyal friend and it is especially sweet when a marriage is bonded by love and the beauty of loyalty. There is nothing so heartbreaking to hear when a marriage ends by divorce or a friendship is broken by a disagreement. When loyalty bonds a relationship it will stand up to great pressure. Loyalty is characterized by faithfulness to commitments and obligations. When love and loyalty are not strong this will always be the doorway for the devil to enter and work his evil maneuvers to destroy. There is One that we can trust to ever be faithful and loyal to us always.
Today let us look up and praise our Lord for being loyal to us. God has promised to be loyal to us with His love, forgiveness, help, …oh my!…there are so many things that He promises to be to us. In the midst of a storm He is faithful to calm us by His peace and stand by us with His loyalty. When others walk away, Jesus has promised that He would stay. Jesus said in His Word that He would NEVER leave us or forsake us. I praise Him for I know He is true and loyal to His Word and He is ever present with me at all times.
Thank God for His love and loyalty to us for we have fresh starts each day and we can learn from our yesterdays. He is there to help us to keep working out those things that we are trying to get right in our lives. Thank God that our mess ups are forgiven and wiped away with the blood of Jesus. We serve a God that is ever so loyal!
Lamentations 3:22-23
“How enduring is God’s loyal
love; the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion.”