Devotional for Monday, October 11, 2016
“Your Life Can Make a Difference”

by Dona Hake
Psalm 139:14 CJB version
“I thank you because I am awesomely made,
wonderfully; your works are wonders —
I know this very well.”
wonderfully; your works are wonders —
I know this very well.”
No matter how young or old we are, we must have ears to hear. God’s Word tells us that we are awesomely made! He made us wonderfully for wonderful works! Today we can make a difference in this world, today we could make a difference in someone’s life. This is a brand new day, and the Lord has fresh opportunities for each of us. Let us ask ourselves, “Will we be obedient in that which He asks us to do?” He may have us stop and pray for someone in need or He may have a word for us to speak to someone that needs their heart uplifted. Never underestimate the power of one encouraging word you speak or a deed that you do for someone.
Many times people can be discouraged and depressed about their lives simply because they are comparing themselves to what they see others doing around them. If you feel you have not succeeded in something, then take hold of God, and ask Him for strength to stand up and try again. May I encourage you today to look at yourself and know that God made you in such a special way for special reasons and purposes.
In Psalm 139 the psalmist was proclaiming how awesomely made he was. Oh that we can do the same, and see ourselves as awesomely made and fashioned by the Master’s hand. As He made us, He had special things in mind, and it is up to us to believe how special we are, and seek how He desires to use us in this life. Trust Him to fulfill those plans and purposes. Seek to express all those God given qualities that may be at rest within your soul. Do not permit fear of failure to hold you back. I want to leave you with one of my favorite motivational quotes. This quote challenges my heart every time I read it.
“Creativity has been built into every one of us;
it is part of our design.
Each of us lives less of the life God intended for us when we
choose not to live out the creative powers we possess.”
Ted Engstrom
Remember you are uniquely made and within us there may be something that needs awakened for His plan in your life! Trust Him with all of your heart to fulfill His plan in your life for you are fearfully and wonderfully made!