by Dona Hake
It is a wonderful thing to have a friend that you can trust. It is precious to have someone that you can bear your heart to and know that your words will go no farther. A true friend will be there for you through thick and thin. The friend that can be trusted sees your every side, your ups and downs, your strengths and weaknesses, and they simply accept you for who you are. These are the qualities that will help you to trust. These are the qualities of a true friendship that will endure through the storms of life. A friend you can trust in is one that you can rely upon their integrity and strength. Simply put you can have confidence in them because they have earned your trust. The Lord wants us to trust Him as a good Friend too.
Jeremiah 17:7 (AMP)
“Most blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.”
As we see Him as our good Friend, He will give us every reason to put our total trust in Him. As we trust Him with our all, we will see and be able to testify that He is with us in every thing we walk through. When we walk through the tests and trials of this world we will remain strong and vibrant in our faith, for He has promised to never leave our side. Let us read our scripture from Jeremiah from the Message translation:
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (MSG)
“But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,
the woman who sticks with God.
They’re like trees replanted in Eden,
putting down roots near the rivers—
Never a worry through the hottest of summers,
never dropping a leaf,
Serene and calm through droughts,
bearing fresh fruit every season.”
Enduring trust brings enduring fruit. I like the idea of remaining serene and calm when everything around me seems to be destitute. Let us rejoice in our Lord for He will cause us to put down our roots near rivers that never run dry. We will endure and we will flourish as we bear fruit in every season! As we continue to trust, He WILL show Himself faithful!