by Dona Hake
I can remember a few years ago in which we lost our electricity in the evening. No storm, no wind…it just did not make sense. The reason for it happening did not matter, I just needed to move toward where I knew the light was. I knew exactly where our two emergency lanterns were and I carefully made my way to them. Just a little bit of light from those lanterns illuminated my darkness to help me find everything I needed until the electric came back on.
Life is like this at times. Everything seems to be going fine and out of no where a storm hits and it takes you off guard. It is important to always hold fast to peace and move toward what you know is the good and right thing to do. What a blessing it is as we go to His Word and receive insight and understanding which brings light to our situation.
As we stay full of His Word we will be presented with opportunities to be a light for someone else’s darkness. Many times we may not even realize that we are reflecting the light of God’s Word for someone else that needs help. They may be going through a dark time and just hearing you express words of life will give them the light they need to know what their next step is.
Matthew 5:15-16 (TLB)
“Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all;
let your good deeds glow for all to see,
so that they will praise your heavenly Father.”
Let us purpose to live in His light that we may be reflecting it to those around us. Allow Him to glow through you that others may see that there are answers and victory for them in this world. Let that light shine that all can see your good works glow as you live to glorify the Lord Jesus every day!