“Believing Is Seeing”
by Dona Hake
Today let us meditate upon believing before we see. This is what faith is all about. As we pray and ask our Lord, may we rest upon Him knowing that His timing and ways are above our ways and timing. When we are in faith it is important that we not judge how the Lord is working on our behalf simply by what we see with our natural eyes. Many times the Lord is beginning to unfold answers to our prayers, but because of our preconceived ideas of how it is going to happen we may miss what He is trying to do in our life. Sometimes the answers to our prayers simply come in a whole different “package” than we expected. I believe that many times we miss the treasures of His wisdom in the midst of a trial simply because we want out of the problem. From my own experiences I can say that many times it was in that time of waiting for the fulfillment of my prayer that the Lord spoke and ministered to my heart in such a sweet way.
Hebrews 11:1 (TLB)
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something
we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what
we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.
Hebrews 11:1 (VOICE)
Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for,
the absolute conviction that there
are realities you’ve never seen.
One thing that we can be assured of is that we need to know that God desires to bless our faith yet He understands more than we will ever know that His timing and our waiting is so important. It is also of great importance that our asking is in line with His will for our lives. Today I encourage you that if you are believing Him for something to wait with an assurance in your heart that He will bless your faith. Let us stand as we pray knowing we have absolute conviction that believing is seeing!