by Dona Hake
I can remember as a little girl when my Grandmother would take my sister and I to the Fair. I can remember how she would put us on the Merry-go-round and stand and watch us. Each time we would pass her, we would wave and there would be joy all over her face as she would wave back at us. There was one thing though that I could remember , and that was the faster the Merry-go-round went I could no longer seem to find her in the crowd of so many faces watching. Round and round we would go and it seemed like everything around me would seem blurry and it was hard to focus. I was always glad when it finally slowed up and even though it was fun, I was glad to get off, and be back with my Grandma.
Sometimes I think life can be like a Merry-go-round. The demands and responsibilities of this life can cause us to lose sight of what is right in front of us. God desires for us to enjoy our lives and the many blessings yet He does not want us to get so caught up in them that we forget to look for Him.
Yesterday I shared with you about the race that is set before us. As a believer we all have weights that try to keep us from running the pace that the Lord desires of us. May we be mindful that sometimes the many things we think must be done can become the weights that Paul was talking about in Hebrews. Being busy can become a weight, therefore let us meditate upon the power of living a life of contentment and quietness before Him. May we be consumed with the desire of doing only that which we know the Lord is requiring us to do.
Let us not make ourselves so busy that this life swirls so fast that we can no longer find Him in the midst of the whirlwind that we have created. We have so many things to be thankful for and many are the materialistic blessings we enjoy yet He does not want them to hold our attention to the point that our focus is off of Him. We have all heard it said that there are things we have in this world that we love but we cannot take them with us when we die.
“…because godliness, along with contentment, does put us ahead but not in the ways some imagine. You see we came into this world with nothing, and nothing is going with us on the way out!”
Today I encourage you to desire a heart that is content with Him. He is all that we need as we run the race of this life which we call God’s will. May we seek to know in our hearts that we are being busy about the things that the Lord has called us. Lord we thank you for blessing the work of our hands as we seek to walk in contentment before You.