Devotional for Sunday, January 15, 2017
“We Are the Work of Your Hands”

by Dona Hake
We as believers praise our Lord for creating the heavens and the earth. We also praise Him for we know that He formed us within the womb of our mothers, and He has plans for every day of our lives. Praise God that we are under the gentle and thorough molding and workmanship of the Master’s hands. His hands are loving and they work with purpose. Even if our days are met with trials we can know that He is at work in us. It is in those times of struggle that He is strengthening us by His grace and wisdom…God’s loving hand is always at work in our life as we are seeking Him humbly and submitting to the Word of God.
Isaiah 64:8 (the Voice translation)
“Still, Eternal One, You are our Father.
We are just clay, and You are the potter.
We are the product of Your creative action, shaped
and formed into something of worth.”
Father, today we thank you for Your divine plan in our life. We praise You that we are indeed a product of Your creative action as You shape us into great worth for Your use. We praise You that You pour out Your sweet and sufficient grace on everything our hands touch. We thank you for helping us to recognize divine opportunities that You have ordained just for us for such a time as this. Help us to humbly permit You to mold and work our lives into reflecting Your glory in Jesus Name. Amen.