Devotional for Saturday, January 14, 2017
“Seeking the Direction of Our Lord”
by Dona Hake
Today I want us to meditate upon the word direction. Do you know what direction you are to be going in God’s will for your life? Many times we are able to declare that we know God’s will, and that is good but there may be days in which we feel uncertain. It is as if we have approached that fork in the road. Whenever I am traveling to a new place I make sure my GPS is programmed plus I print out a map from the internet. I always feel more secure knowing that I have done all that I know that I can do. We too must seek to know our Lord’s voice and every means of leading us that we know. God’s Word has a wealth of instruction for us, and our time in prayer with Him is certainly vital that we may learn to know His tender voice. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that has promised to lead us in the way to go. He has promised to teach us and guide us in uncertain paths. Also, do not forget that our Lord knows how to straighten crooked paths!
I am so thankful that God’s direction in our lives need not be vague but rather clear and decisive. When we come to “forks” in the road, we need to simply be ever conscious that He desires to point us in the exact direction that we are to go. He does not want to see any time wasted in our lives so let us go forth confidently knowing that He promises to stay by our sides, leading and guiding us to our destinations.
Isaiah 30:21 (Douay-Rheims American translation)
“And thy ears shall hear the word of one admonishing thee behind thy back:
This is the way, walk ye in it: and go not aside neither to the right hand, nor to the left.”
I was drawn to this translation over all the others because it used the word *admonishing*. He understands how our human nature can many times make decisions based on the “easy way” rather than His way. Today I encourage you to listen for that quiet voice behind your back that desires to be your Compass in life. We serve a mighty God that longs to lead us in the way of His victory. Let us rejoice in His direction in our life! God bless you.