Devotional for Tuesday, January 10, 2017
“A God That Never Changes”

by Dona Hake
It was about three summers ago that I can remember my oldest Granddaughter being so thrilled with all the pretty flowers in the garden in front of our home. It soon became a special little thing that we did each time they visited, and that was they could pick their very own flower to cut to take home with them. As the flowering season was soon to be over one by one my flowers started to fade and die. Little by little I was uprooting them to prepare the garden for it’s winter sleep.
I can remember thinking and pondering how I was going to explain to her the day we pulled up in front of the house, and all my flowers would be gone. Every opportunity I had I would bring up the subject on a positive note. I began to share with her of the new seasons coming. I spoke of pretty fall leaves that we could jump in and then I would talk about pretty snow falling, and how we could make snowmen, snow angels, and sled together. This would make her little eyes light up with so much joy!
I can still remember the morning she saw that all my flowers were gone. Her little eyes were not so joyful but so sad yet she seemed to accept it, and began to look forward to the new seasons of fall and winter. I had shared with her how God has blessed us with so much beauty in His seasons, and we have to accept the change of seasons and how they come and go.
Today let us look at one thing we know will never change as the seasons do. One thing we can be assured of is that even though things change here on earth during our stay, God’s Word never changes.
Isaiah 40:8 (The Message)
“True, the grass withers and the wildflowers fade,
but our God’s Word stands firm and forever.”
I am thinking and thanking God that He is ever unchangeable, He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever and His Word stands firm and forever. What an assurance this brings to my heart! God is so good.