Devotional for Sunday, January 1, 2017
“A Time For Everything”

by Dona Hake
We are all given the same amount of time, and we must use it wisely. I particularly feel that during the holidays it does not seem to be enough time in the day to accomplish all that needs done. Nevertheless, time is so precious and we must guard it. The Word of God speaks to our hearts regarding this matter. I have chosen this translation from the Amplified for I feel it speaks wonderfully regarding what we do with our time, our days, and possible opportunities presented to us.
Ephesians 5:15-17 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
“Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.”
As we step into a fresh new year let us commit our lives to the Lord, and seek Him first in all that we do, and we will find His loving hand in every area of our life. Let us use time wisely, and buy up every opportunity that God presents to us! His Word proclaims that He will perfect ALL that concerns us so we need to be able to understand the time in which we live as individuals. I encourage you to seek Him today for His plan for you. Today is a new day, it is like no other, and He wants to use you like never before! Do you know exactly how He desires you to use Your time today? I am speaking about time apart from your job or other commitments. Many times it is our free time that is wasted and not used properly, and I believe the Lord desires that we watch over that very carefully. Time is a gift.
I shared about time being a gift, and now I want to talk about the timing of things. There may be specific things that you know the Lord is desiring to do in you during your time here on earth, and they have not yet been totally fulfilled. Remember…even as you walk in His paths you are still a work in progress. Have you ever been tempted to be impatient with God’s timing as He works in and around you? I think it is vital that we remind ourselves that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts. Be very cautious and step back from those times in which you try to make things happen in your own ability. We must never permit our impatience with God’s timing for it will hinder Him moving on our behalf. Let us stop in those moments and seek His divine wisdom. The first chapter of James says that if we lack wisdom, we need to ask Him for it, and then be patient in order that God’s perfect work be done in us.
Lord, we thank You that every day you give us is a blessing and the time within that day is a gift from You. We ask that You help us use it wisely. Help us to make the very most of it, not overlooking one opportunity in which we can glorify You. We thank You for Your help as You help us to live purposely and accurately as we pursue to do You will! We also ask that You help us to continue to understand and recognize Your perfect timing in our lives, for we know that Your timing is perfect timing! In Jesus Name, Amen!