by Dona Hake
The Word is telling us in Philippians to worry about NOTHING. Not the littlest of a problem should tempt us to worry, but oh how hard this can be at times. Sometimes our minds can become nervous as anxious thoughts wander through our mind, and may ultimately affect us physically.
I shot weddings for seven years, and even in my seventh year I would still deal with “butterflies” in my stomach right before a wedding. Once I was at a wedding and things got rolling, I would be fine, but the bottom line for the “butterfly” thing in my stomach was the fear of something going wrong, or things being out of control. Even after all the experience I had, I would still be tempted to fear that I may not have a successful day or make some sort of a mistake. There were many times that the time allotted for me to shoot would be altered drastically due to unforeseen things. I had to learn to flow with this, and keep my peace so that I could take beautiful images of such a memorable day. I learned that worrying and lacking peace contributed nothing and no matter how I try to organize things…my plans could be subject to change. We need to assure ourselves that God is all about desiring to perfect anything that concerns us.
I would always have to remind myself that when I felt tempted to feel inadequate that I was at the best place ever. When we come to realize our inadequacy without Him, it is then that He is able to show Himself big on our behalf. He desires that we look up to Him anytime we have a need and just ask Him and thank Him for His answers!
Philippians 4:6-14 (TLB)
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your
needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. “
needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. “
Today I encourage you to give your anxious thoughts and worries to Him and expect Him to move on your behalf. Do not ponder how you think it should all work out, but watch and wait expectantly as He unfolds the answers in your life. Most importantly, do not forget to praise our wonderful God that is faithful to answer our prayers. God bless!