by Dona Hake
Divine appointments are so wonderful, and almost every time they happen to me, I feel so pleasantly surprised and also excited to know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I feel that God desires to use us to touch the lives of people around us no matter who they are. He wants to use us as an extension of His love and light, many times to our surprise, it happens… you are placed in someone’s path, and you just know it was appointed by the Lord.
Today I was standing in the grocery line loading my groceries on to the belt for the young lady to ring me up. I heard her sharing with the customer before me how an individual took a $10 bill and made the number one on the bill into a five, it was done so artistically and strategically that the sales clerk passed it for a $50 bill. When I stepped up to talk to this young lady I commented to her how it is so sad that people can be so deceitful. This young lady began to share how she saw someone steal someone’s coupons one day. In less than a minute this young lady shared out of the abundance of her heart. She said, “You know, you reap what you sow…” In that split second we were both on a roll sharing truths with each other, and it was beautifully evident that she was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times we do not need to say many words, it is that light that proceeds from our countenance and even though our words may be few people can immediately identify that we love Him.
This young lady began to share something with me that really touched my heart. She said, “You know there are those people out there that have been saved their whole life, they’ve never done drugs, they have never done anything really all that wrong, I think that is really neat because they are examples. But you know what I want is someone out there that is older than me to just be an example for me to follow.”
As I walked away from her I thought about how her words really touched me, it made me realize that there are many young believers just looking for someone to be there to call their friend, to mentor them, and just be a shining example of living life and God’s wisdom and purpose. Today, I encourage you to be aware of young believers around you, that are just looking for someone to show them, and be an example of walking upright, and in the integrity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As I began walking away from this young lady after I paid for my bill I said to her, “thank you for sharing your refreshing words with me, and being a blessing to me today.” She got a big smile across her face, and then proceeded to ask me my name, and then she introduced herself to me. We are both hoping we will cross each other’s path at this grocery store and we will be able to build each other up once again.
Lord, help us all to realize that You desire to use us to touch the lives of people around us. We ask that You would help us to see the seriousness of the day in which we live because there is much to be done. There are people out there that need us. They need the light of Your Word, they need Your love, and there are those that are looking for guidance, wisdom and counsel. Help us to be mindful to walk uprightly and in the integrity of Your Word that we may be good examples to those that are looking for help and guidance. In Jesus Name we ask, amen!