“He Notices Everything!”
by Dona Hake
For those of you that know me well you know that I love feeding my outdoor feathered friends, and of course my squirrels! So many times I have learned little lessons from their behavior, and these lessons remind me of God’s love for me. I have been thinking about how God watches us ever so closely and He notices everything about us. There is a scripture that says that the hair on our heads is numbered and also a scripture that states that He will perfect all that concerns us.
Today, I am going to share some photographs that I have filed from the fourteen years of feeding and watching my bird’s and squirrel’s behavior. One thing that I know is that my birds keep a close eye on me! I have seen at times when am filling my empty ground feeders that they are sitting in the trees watching me fill them. Not even a minute after I return, they are heading to the feeders to eat.
I have ~noticed~ my doves will literally sit and watch in my window when their favorite food is empty. They wait patiently until I ~notice~ that they have a need. These two beauties are sitting right outside of my kitchen window, again waiting patiently, until I ~notice~ them. I am hoping you are noticing that I am trying to emphasize the word ~notice~ !!

I love knowing that these precious creatures of the Lord know they can come to my deck, and their need to be fed is met. I can remember one time during an extremely hot and humid day, I looked out the window and found this “regular” customer of mine finding some relief from the heat. You see, he wanted to stay close to the food source, yet get cooled off at the same time by basking in the shade of the ground feeder!

I have ~noticed~ how God has taught His creatures how to take care of their own. It is so precious to see my cardinal dads bring their little ones to the feeder and feed them. I think it is precious to watch them as they watch and soon they learn how to eat on their own.

I know these feathered ones that have been my regulars depend on me, especially during snow storms. I always keep a close watch on my feeders and if I ~notice~ them being empty, I attend to them. So today I want to leave you with this scripture.
Matthew 10:29 (TLB)
“Not one sparrow (What do they cost? Two for a penny?)
can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.”

Our loving God ~notices~ even the little sparrow and He has His eye on You at all times. He desires so much that you totally depend upon Him for each and every need that you have. He desires that in your time of need to patiently wait for Him, for He is faithful to supply your needs…if only you wait. Remember He is watching over you and He takes ~notice~ to everything that pertains to your life. He loves you and cares about you more than you would ever know!