“Your Tomorrow Is In His Hands”

gods plan 1

by Dona Hake

Over the past few days I have heard or seen the mention of people reflecting on the past year.  For some it was a wonderful year and maybe for others it was not so good.  While I feel it is important to have dreams and goals, I still hold fast to just living one day at a time.  Even Jesus said that each day has enough in it for us to deal with and we are not to worry too much about our tomorrows.  He went on to say that He would take care of our tomorrows.  I personally feel that embracing each moment with Him is the absolute joyful place to live.  His Word says that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Therefore there is always strength to live each day of my life.

I have been reflecting on how each one of our lives is like a tapestry.  If we allow His handiwork, He has wonderful plans and direction for our lives.  Many times things may not go the way that we  planned.  Many times things can seem painful and they have not turned out the way that we thought they should.  With any tapestry there are knots and hanging strings interwoven among the  sections of intricate beauty.    A tapestry is somewhat a good analogy of our lives.  When we look behind it there may be times it looks  random and chaotic: all we can see are the knots, the imperfections, some bumps.  So it is with life, only God knows all that has gone on within you to make you the person you are today.

While it is not always good to dwell on the pain or hardship of our past, we can still carry it’s wisdom with us for the future. When your journey to your destination seems a bit foggy or it is not the road you planned to travel, just know that God is able to bring all of our tomorrows into focus as you keep Him in the center of everything. God bless you and Happy New Year!

Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you,

says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and

peace and not for evil, to give you hope

in your final outcome.
