“What Happens When…”

by Dona Hake
Today I want you to think about this question.  What happens to you when your idealistic thoughts or plans meet disappointment?   Truth is…. we have all done it.   We build up expectations at times and if they do not turn out the way we planned, we are disappointed and let down. How we react to those disappointments will either upset us or just make us a bit stronger inside.   It all boils down to how we decide to face things when they do not turn out the way we thought they should.  Let our goal be that we face disappointments with a proper attitude.
Today I will tell on my parrot. Since she talks but does not read I will be able to get away with this. (lololo!!!)   Our parrot, JJ, observes our household very closely and she understands our routines very keenly. I was told by a very wise woman that raises and understands these birdies that you should never get them too used to a routine, because if they like it too much and you break it…well let’s just say they will not be too happy with you. This is why I NEVER feed her at the same time everyday.   All of her treats come when she least expects them.  This is somewhat tough on me because I am very much a routine person, and I especially like to see my pets in a routine.

JJ even knows my personal routine in the morning and one morning everything seemed to be going wrong.   I was rushing to get out the door because I had an appointment.   She could see something was very different and she DID NOT like it.  I always walk over to her cage before I leave, and say goodbye and tell her I love her.   Well…since she did not like the “rush-rush” deal that I was doing, she decided to let me know what she thought.    When I moved toward her cage  to say goodbye she snapped the side of her cage in anger rather than her usual affectionate little goodbyes that I get. She just did not want me to leave her. I left her with these words… “That was not very nice JJ!” Whenever I return home I am usually greeted with  happy whistles and fun greetings, but not this time.   I walked over to her cage and she turned her back and would not even look at me.   Oh my gosh…I could not believe it was in this little bird to act like this.  You see, she had an expectation based on what “she thought” should have happened. She was indeed a disappointed and mad little bird that day!


Let us be honest and admit that we may at times have preconceived ideas of how we feel people should treat us and do for us.   We can all relate to having expectations on how we think something should go.  Sometimes  our expectations that are based on the ideal meet up with the real, and we have great big disappointments.

Disappointments are going to  happen, and life is full of them. It is what we do with our disappointments that makes all the difference. It is so important to just move on and not permit anything to hinder or rob our joy. It is of great consolation that our Lord well understands our disappointments and as we take them to Him, He will help us walk through them. Thank God for Jesus because He understands every up and down we will ever face.
“The Lord is close to those who have suffered
disappointment.   He saves those who
are discouraged.”
Psalm 34:18    (ERV)