Thursday, October 4, 2018

Devotional for Thursday, October 4, 2018
“Righteousness Will Go Before Him”
by Dona Hake
“Righteousness will go before Him and will make
His footsteps into a way [in which to walk].”
Recently I was meditating on some notes that I had taken from when my husband shared from Psalm 85 a few years ago. What the Lord was speaking to me during this teaching caused me to write the following note for me to meditate upon…
“Turn my heart toward your will,
and cause me to see when I am off of your path.”
Just think about how easy it is when you’re traveling and you are not paying attention or you think you’ve chosen a clever shortcut. Many times these are the decisions we make that end up causing us to be lost in our travels until we get back on track. So it is in the Spirit. All it takes is one wrong attitude to open us up to thoughts that could cause us to sin, and words that could cause us to hurt someone. The devil would love nothing more than to seduce us and trick us to think it is acceptable to stray from the will of our Lord, and it will always begin in the smallest of things.   We must guard our hearts and minds so we are so sensitive to the Spirit of God to show us even the smallest of things.
Oh that our prayer would be that our heart is always toward our Lord continually abiding in His presence, for it is then that we will always be on His path doing His will. It is then that we will experience Him steering  our footsteps in paths of righteousness for His Name sake and the work of His kingdom!