Thursday, December 21, 2017

Devotional for Thursday, December 21, 2017
“What Do You Think He Will Do For You?”
by Dona Hake
 “Think about how the wildflowers

grow. They don’t work or make clothes

for themselves. But I tell you that even

Solomon, the great and rich king,

was not dressed as beautifully as

one of these flowers.


If God makes what grows in the

field so beautiful, what do you

think he will do for you? That’s

just grass—one day it’s alive, and

the next day someone throws it

into a fire. But God cares enough

to make it beautiful. Surely he will

do much more for you.

Your faith is so small!

“So don’t always think
about what
you will eat or what you will drink.
Don’t worry about it.
Luke 12:27-29 ERV
Jesus was addressing the crowd about thinking too much about their needs. He wanted them to see life as more than food, and the body more than clothing. (vs. 23-25)”Consider the ravens, for they neither sow seed nor reap the crop; they have no storehouse or barn, yet God feeds them. How much more valuable are you than the birds!” (Amplified)
Let’s bring this all down to a personal level. What is on your mind today that may be preoccupying you a bit? I love the quote “Worry cast can cast a big shadow on a small thing.” Let us ponder the words of our Lord here…and maybe it would be good for you to fill in the blank. Don’t always think about ____________, don’t worry about it for surely He is able to do much more for you.
I pray the Holy Spirit will minister to your heart today and remind you to keep your mind free and clear that you may enjoy His presence. As you do this you will certainly enjoy His peace that surpasses ALL your understanding. Enjoy His provision as you ponder how He continues to meet your needs. Give Him all of your cares and concerns as you think about what He is more than able to do for you.