“The Sweet Fragrance of Christ”

sweet fragrance
by Dona Hake
Today I want to share with you about fragrance.   Fragrance is anything  having a pleasant scent or aroma; something sweet-smelling; sweet-scented such as a fragrant rose.   This past summer I noticed we have an abundance of honeysuckle bushes around our property, and there were days as I walked around the yard with my dog that I was amazed at the beauty of their sweet smelling fragrance.  If there is a beautiful fragrance in the air, it makes one just want to stop and enjoy it or you may try to figure out where the smell is coming from.    God’s Word speaks of His paths being fragrant with His attributes, and as we walk in His Word, we too will give off the beauty of that fragrance.    Let’s read this scripture from the the Living Bible…
Psalm 25:9-10 (TLB)
“He will teach the ways that are right and best to those who humbly turn to him.
And when we obey him, every path he guides us on is fragrant with his loving-kindness and his truth.”
Today I want you to meditate upon the truth that as you humbly turn to Him, He will teach you His ways, and you will desire to walk in the paths that will cause a wonderful fragrance of Christ to emanate to those that know Him and also those that do not know Him.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (TLB)
But thanks be to God! For through what Christ has done, he has triumphed over us so that now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Gospel like a sweet perfume.
As far as God is concerned there is a sweet, wholesome fragrance in our lives. It is the fragrance of Christ within us, an aroma to both the saved and the unsaved all around us.”

I believe that this fragrance will cause people to seek out the Lord.   It will expose to them their lack, and it will draw them to Christ.   May we release our faith that the Lord is using us everyday to reach people whether they know Him or not.   Many times we may never know how God is using the testimony of our love, deeds, and prayers that we offer up on behalf of people.
Lord, we thank You today that as we humbly look to You in all of our ways that You will teach us how to walk in Your paths.   May that fragrance touch the hearts of even those that seem hardened and unreachable.   We thank You for we know You are able to do above and beyond all that we dare ask or think as You  permit us to be used as You desire! In Jesus Name, amen.