“The Lord Our Shepherd”

The Lord is My Shepherd

by Dona Hake

I love this image.  In the stillness of the night, the shepherd is peacefully standing and watching over his sheep and his sheep are close by him.  What an image that portrays peace, protection and care.  As we look to Him we too can claim that same peace and protection and a knowing that He will always take care of us.

Psalm 23:1
“The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me],

I shall not lack.”

This translation of Psalm 23:1 from the Amplified is an excellent one.  He is the Shepherd that will see that we are fed as we feed on His living Word.  He has promised to come along side of us to lead and guide us and He shields us and protects us.

Let us remember that as we go about our day to stay close by His side and we will ever be in that place of drawing upon Him for whatever we need for He is our Shepherd and He will see that there is no lack.
