Monday, September 11, 2017




Devotional for Monday, September 11, 2017
“Where Is Your Hope?”

hope is not a philosophy

by Dona Hake
Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. I find this truth to be so comforting in the world in which I live today. Everything around us is changing constantly. Some change is good and some change has proven to be bad and has hindered us. I thank God for the living HOPE and His Name is Jesus!
I can remember once seeing a group of youth being interviewed on TV.    He began to ask questions, and one young lady answered apprehensively.  It was so sad to hear  her share that anymore she feared sharing her views for fears of what would happen to her.  Our “politically correct” society is so sad isn’t it?    The gentleman interviewing asked for a show of hands. ”Who here has the hope that their future will be better than their parents? Very few hands went up for the majority did not believe that their future would be better.  I thought this to be so sad, and my heart was so grieved by this.
We need to keep our hearts full of expectation and faith but it can only be in God, not in how well things are going on around us.   Let us that desire to influence our youth exhibit to them that their hope must be in the Lord.   The condition of this world and it’s happenings cannot dictate our faith and hope.  I believe that we need to always keep our hearts in check with the truth of God’s Word. Where is your hope really resting? What are your expectations and are they realistic? There may be times that you can recall that your hopes have been shattered and you wondered how to go on. I want to share this wonderful scripture with you.
Psalm 62:5 (ERV) 
“I must calm down and turn to God;
he is my only hope.”
In those times that your heart may be void of hope and it is full of anxiety, know that there is a living hope and it is in Jesus. He is the one that has promised to give us a future and He is well able to breathe life back into your dreams.  Today I encourage you to quietly wait upon the Lord.   Let Him renew your strength throughout the day, and my your hope be upon Him.

Psalm 62:5 (AMP)
“My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him”