Monday, June 18TH DEVOTIONAL



Devotional for Monday, June 18th, 2018
“Pray Simply and Simply Pray”

pray simply

by Dona Hake
There is so much power in simplicity.  I believe this truth can be applied to every area of our life especially prayer.  Many times may think that because our problem is so complicated that our prayers require complicated wording and thoughts.    May we never judge another’s  prayer to be ineffective simply because  they did not pray the words you might have said.  God sees the heart and that is the most important thing of all.  He desires that we keep our hearts clean, and humble before Him in order that we may serve Him without inward distractions. Oh the power of the simple cry for help to our Lord!

I would like to share a precious prayer that is in one of my favorite books on prayer.  I want you to take note of how simple yet profound it really is.

“Help me to live this day quietly and easily,

To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully and restfully,

To wait for the unfolding of thy will patiently and serenely,

To meet others peacefully, and joyfully,

And to face tomorrow confidently and courageously.”



  The beginning of this prayer is asking to live the day quietly and easily.  I love this.  I do not see this as a request for the easy way but rather that one’s heart would remain quiet in the midst of any confusion or difficulties that may be encountered.  How beautiful it is to wait patiently as His hand directs His will in our life and on that path we will seek to be at peace and maintain joy as we live and work with those around us.  How powerful this simple prayer is yet it will help us see our tomorrow with confidence and courage rather than dread and fear.   Remember to simply pray and pray simply.  God bless you!