January 1, 2018

Devotional for Monday, January 1, 2018
“Making Plans”
by Dona Hake
For the past few days I have heard so many share their New Year’s resolutions. I am not sure why this has always bothered me. Maybe it is because most of the time people admit they cannot stick with their resolution. I find it very important to not only keep your word with others but to keep your word to yourself. In saying that I realize there will always be things beyond our control that we may not be able to do everything we hoped to do.
This ~resolution~ thing was really on my mind so as I was having my coffee this morning I was watching the news. Sure enough they were reporting about people’s New Year resolutions, and then they stated what the three most popular resolutions were, and they were…
“I want to be a better person.”
“I want to eat better.”
I want to lose weight.”
Then they had a motivational speaker on, and I absolutely loved what he said. He said, “Don’t make resolutions….you need to make make plans and commit to them!” He proceeded to say how he finds it interesting that most people do not even wake up every day and say “I resolve to do something.” He concluded in saying, “Ask yourself, what moves me forward?” This is a question that only each of us can answer, and I encourage you to ponder this.
Today I encourage you to make plans in your heart knowing that your plans are in accordance with His Word, and will for you.Maybe there are some heart and mind adjustments that need to be made within you. Every one is so unique and different, therefore each of our needs and concerns are equally different.
Know this…God is well able to make your crooked path straight…no matter how big or small those adjustment may be. So today think about it, and with God’s help He will guide you into a year of growth, change, and victory. Believe that His power is able to move you forward in His perfect will for your life, in Jesus Name!
Proverbs 16:3 (ESV)
“Commit your work to the Lord,
and your plans will be established.”