“Blessed Are the Hungry and Thirsty”

Blessed are they which thirst after righteousness

by Dona Hake

Just as our bodies hunger and thirst so do our souls.  I can remember when I was about seventeen years of age how every night before I would close my eyes I would pray “Lord, there has to be more to this life than this…”   My life was empty and I was so miserable inside.  My heart was yearning for more.  Yes, even before I had a personal relationship with Jesus I could feel my heart being tugged at, and there was an emptiness.  There was a need and hunger within me that only He could fill.

I was a stubborn person, full of opinions and arguments against the truth of His Word.  I could wear down my loving friends with all kinds of arguments against God, yet I knew deep down I was the one that was wrong.  Thankfully there were those that continued to pray for me and they believed that the Lord could touch my heart.  I can remember the evening that I surrendered all to Him.  I can remember the freedom that I experienced and I continue to experience.  My heart was changed and my hunger and thirst for more was fulfilled.

John 4:13-14 (PHILLIPS)
“But whoever drinks the water I will

give him will never be thirsty again.

For my gift will become a spring in the

man himself, welling up into eternal life.”

Today I thank God for that living water that is as a spring of life within me.   It is only His life and His Word that can satisfy the hunger and thirst of one’s soul.  God is good.
