
Devotional for Saturday, September 24, 2016
“It’s All He Asks”
he loves you he knows you
by Dona Hake
He sees and totally understands our hearts even when others don’t always quite get it right. You know…those times when people read into things or do not perceive your intentions as you meant them to be. He sees your tears. Not the tears you wipe away but the ones that flow within your heart while you wear a smile on your face so everyone thinks it is okay.We need to just believe this for this should cause us to move quickly  toward Him in our time of trouble.   Remember His eyes are always on us, and He is faithful to hear the cries of our heart when we call upon Him in faith.


Psalm 34:17 (NASB)
“The righteous cry, and the Lord hears
And delivers them out of all their troubles.”

I remember chatting with a precious woman that was sharing how an individual she knew was going through a hard time. This person asked her, “Where is God in all of this?” This woman exclaimed to her, “He’s right there beside you, wanting to help you!” I find it so sad and it somewhat upsets me when I hear people say such a thing. “Where is God?” when it is all going down bad, and yet when all is good they do not ever give it a thought to acknowledge God either. It really makes no sense at all.
I encourage you today to just believe. Plain and simple…just know that He is always there for you, if only you call upon Him.    He loves you…He knows you better than anyone. All He asks is that you just believe, and call upon His Name!