



Devotional for Thursday, August 11, 2016
“Storing God’s Word In Our Hearts”


hide gods word in your heart

by Dona Hake


In this day and age of computers we are all quite aware of the importance of knowing that everything we treasure on our computers should be backed up. This was especially an important thing for me to do for when I did wedding photography.  For me to know that I had captured a day that was a once in a lifetime event, I had to  be diligent with the care of my client’s work.     Backing up my work assured me that  if anything were to happen to my computer, all my work was protected.  It always gave me great peace of mind because I knew that I have done what I knew to do to protect myself from such a dreadful loss.    I have heard people say how they were heartbroken knowing their computer crashed and they lost everything.  All their precious memories were gone and never to be retrieved.


Today I just want to impress upon you to make sure you are building and strengthening your heart with God’s Word.     As we fill ourselves with God’s Word, it is preparing us with the strength and wisdom we need as we face the demands of the day.   Life can drain us of our strength yet if we are keeping ourselves full of His Word, we can rest assured that our hearts are protected and ready to stand.  Are you storing God’s Word in your heart?  




God promises us that as we are faithful to keep His Word that He will always back us up no matter what situations we face.  As we are diligent to  put His Word  into our hearts, we are making deposits of great value.  We are accumulating a treasure within us.  This treasure cannot be compared to any wealth on this earth.  Nothing or no one can take it from you for it is hidden deep within you.  You can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if a situation arises that you are well prepared.  You are prepared to stand against any temptation that would tempt you to  leave down your guard and sin.


Psalm 119:11 (TLB) 
“I have thought much about your words and stored

them in my heart so that they would

hold me back from sin.”


I encourage you to value His Word and deposit into your heart for it is then that you are truly guarding your heart with all diligence.